Permaculture is a ‘whole systems design approach’ for ecological and sustainable living.
Join Michelle Ritchie from Organics Unearthed for a fun hands-on Permaculture workshop including no-dig gardening and food forest makeover.
Explore the ethics and principles of Permaculture, then build and plant a no-dig vegie bed and prepare an existing orchard for a food forest makeover.
"Permaculture is about designing sustainable human settlements. It is a philosophy and an approach to land use which weaves together microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, water management, and human needs into intricately connected, productive communities” Bill Mollison, 1991.
workshop runs from 1-5pm, refreshments provided.
bring gloves and a notebook can be handy
cameras welcome
comprehensive notes provided
be prepared for any weather - we will be working out in the open for a couple of hours – so make sure you have suitable clothing. We will go ahead whatever the weather!
Cost: $80pp (12 places available and address upon booking).
Hosted by Organics Unearthed: Michelle Ritchie has been teaching Organics and Permaculture since 2002 and sees it as her job to unearth natural growing know-how, using the best ecological methods and systems for growing food naturally, and to share those learnings in a creative and fun way.