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Tomahawk Lagoon Bird Watching

  • Tomahawk Lagoon 238 Tomahawk Road Dunedin, Otago, 9013 New Zealand (map)

The variety and specialness of birds to be found on Dunedin City’s doorstep will surprise you. (Photo: Craig McKenzie)

Members of Birds NZ will help you identify the birds and tell you more about them.

Come along any time between 10 am and noon to spot some of the special birds that inhabit and visit this area.

Most birds can be seen without walking, but for those who would like to explore further we will offer guided walks around part of the lagoon. It will depend on who turns up and what your interests are.

Further Information:

  • Suitable for all ages and fitness levels

  • Bring binoculars, if you have them 

  • Meet on the footpath beside Tomahawk Lagoon on Tomahawk Road just past the bridge. 

Cost:  Free

No Booking Required

Hosted by Birds New Zealand/ Te Kāhui Mātai Manu o Aotearoa: Birds NZ are the Ornithological Society for New Zealand and their mission is to foster the study, knowledge, and enjoyment of birds. 


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