Woodhaugh Gardens
Suzanne Middleton, Wild Dunedin – Feb 14, 2024
Woodhaugh Gardens is at 1081 George St, bordered by the Water of Leith and forming part of the city’s Green Belt, linking up with the Botanic Garden and Town Belt. This 12-hectare urban park is a flat and peaceful spot popular with families, dog owners and walkers.
With children’s play areas for all ages, a flying fox, toilets, shelter, public BBQs, picnic tables, a paddling pool, a duck pond, and paths through native forest, this is a park that is worth visiting all year round.
Path through the forest. Image by: Suzanne Middleton
Large native trees including a totara at the George St end of the park give way to a grassed area then native forest accessed from the path along the fence bordering the river.
One of the things that makes Woodhaugh Gardens so special is the size of the native forest here. Ancient kahikatea, New Zealand’s tallest native trees, are evidence that this area was frequently flooded in the past.
Young totara. Image by: Suzanne Middleton
It takes about 30 minutes to explore the park, and it’s easy to take the path that follows the Water of Leith up the Leith Valley and link up with the Ross Creek Reservoir walk from Rockside Rd.
With various paths and play areas, forest and grassed areas, this is the perfect spot for a picnic or a peaceful walk exploring nature.
To get there: Park your car in George St, Inverleith St, Queen St or Duke St, or catch any of these buses: 15, 8, 3 or 11.