Few people realize that Otago was likely home to the largest and most diverse populations of our very own megafauna - the mighty and mysterious moa.
Oscar Thomas from Birds NZ introduces award-winning author Quinn Berentson who discusses the moa of Otago.
He unravels the many mysteries of New Zealand’s legendary big bird, their diversity, ecology, and the sad tale of their extinction.
Quinn Berentson grew up in the Bay of Plenty but headed south to Otago University to study Zoology many years ago and never returned north. His love of storytelling, wildlife and landscape led him to documentary making and numerous international adventures. In 2012 his first book – “Moa – the Life and Death of New Zealand’s legendary bird” was published to critical acclaim.
He has since continued to explore New Zealand’s wild places, and to appreciate the healing power of nature.
Image: A model of a female stout-legged moa (Euryapteryx curtus) © Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Cost: Koha – Booking required (limited places)
Hosted by Birds New Zealand/ Te Kāhui Mātai Manu o Aotearoa & Tūhura Otago Museum: Birds NZ are the Ornithological Society for New Zealand and their mission is to foster the study, knowledge, and enjoyment of birds.