Call into Coronation Hall for nature inspired events:
‘Play Wild’ with nature craft projects - flower crowns and leaf magic wands.
Crafts inspired by “Play Wild” by Rachel Clare.
Go on a guided nature walk to a native reserve in the heart of Portobello.
Get up-close to the marine critters that live on the rocky shore with NZ Marine Studies Centre’s aquavan touch tank.
Meet The OPERA team (previously Penguin Place) for fun activities for kids.
Have a cuppa and ‘show and tell” good and bad vines with the SWAT team in the kitchen.
Pakake/NZ sea lion activities - kids bring a cushion to get close to the action!
Children’s storyteller and entertainer Kaitrin McMullan will perform two pakake puppet shows.
Then “Return of the New Zealand Sea Lion” video screening made by Australian travellerJJ Emerson that has plenty of sea lion action.
Ask Mya from NZ Sea Lion Trust any questions you may have about sea lions on local beaches.
The nature-inspired workshops and walks have limited spaces so when you arrive check in at the Wild Dunedin desk and book a place - first in, first booked.
All events are free but bring some cash as Shukuru will have real fruit ice-creams and coffee from her food truck.
Cost: Free | Book some activities on the day
Thank you Portobello Inc, NZ Marine Studies & The Video Factory for making this FREE event possible.