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Hereweka Garden Tours

  • Hereweka Garden, Portobello 10 Hoopers Inlet Road Dunedin, Otago, 9077 New Zealand (map)

Two guided tours 10am-11.30am and 1pm-2.30pm

The garden tour features regenerating forest with original mature rimu and pokaka trees, productive vegetable garden, rare exotics and a valley of Gondwana plants. Visit the stunning and diverse Hereweka Garden that is an oasis nestled in a valley on the flanks of Hereweka (Harbour Cone).

“There was a stand of rimu, the most significant stand of bush on the peninsula. It was grazed and dying back so we put a QEII covenant on it and there are about 70 rimu there now.” Peter Cooke

Photo by Izumi Schmidt Uchida

Peter is particularly proud of his Gondwana garden where he has planted species from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Lord Howe Island and South America. These include tree ferns, podocarps, cordylines, araucarias and a huge African dandelion. 

We suggest you car pool to the property because parking is limited.

The $10 charge will assist with ongoing maintenance of the garden. Maximum 16 people per tour. 

Cost: $10/adult, children free

Hosted by Hereweka Garden: Sustainable practices, caring for the environment, conservation and planting for birds are central to the way gardeners Anna Moore and Peter Cooke live. Hereweka Garden has been recognised as a Garden of Regional Significance to Dunedin.

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