Darryl Torckler, an award-winning photographer, has provided the beautiful illustrations for ‘New Zealand Birds of the Week/Ngā Manu o te Wiki’.
Come to the story pit and join Storylines Notable Book Award winner Gillian Torckler for a reading of her picture book ‘New Zealand Birds of the Week/Ngā Manu o te Wiki’.
The book is based on the nursery rhyme that goes ‘Monday’s child is fair of face, Tuesday’s child is full of grace . . . ‘, with a different New Zealand manu for each day of the week.
Meet Gillian…
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Gillian, the author of many books for children and adults.
Suitable for all ages.
Cost: Free | No booking required
NZ Birds of the Week is published by Bateman Books and is available at University Bookshop for $22.99.
Hosted by Dunedin City Library: The Dunedin Public Libraries is a network of six libraries and two book buses in Dunedin, providing the public with free access to books, digital resources, archives of information, and the internet, and they have contributed events to the Festival since 2016. Dunedin Public Libraries are the centre of information, leisure, and learning in this great City of Literature.