Daily Events
Upcoming Events

Paper Audit by Janet De Wagt
Paper Audit is a collection of mini paintings on paper covering a variety of landscapes in the Otago and Southland area – painted in situ by Janet de Wagt.

Saltlines for Sealion Women
At the turn of the tide in this dance performance, witness a movement chorus trace sinuous saltlines across the wet sand at the water’s edge.

Kelp Craft
Join Judith from The Kelpery and the NZMSC to get creative using locally sourced rimurapa (bull kelp) to make vessels, baskets and light hangings.

Wild Dunedin’s NatureDome
A fun-filled family day at the Forsyth Barr Stadium, highlights include: Anika Moa • Rocks for Tots • Suzy Cato • Artisan Markets • Amazing Science Demos • Food Trucks • Movie on the Big Screen • Live Music & More!

Zippy Zap, Art Attack! – Rocky coastlines themed workshop
A hands-on exploration of art and art-making for children with educator John Neumegen. This programme is a drop-off workshop suitable for ages 7-13.

huikaau – where currents meet Gallery Tour
A special tour of Huikaau – where currents meet, themed around rocks and geology. Huikaau celebrates the past, present, and future of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery collection.
Fossils, Skulls and Other Biological Curiosities
A show and tell with artist Bruce Mahalski and items from his Museum of Natural Mystery.
Fossils, Skulls and Other Biological Curiosities
A show and tell with artist Bruce Mahalski and items from his Museum of Natural Mystery.
Trapped in Amber
Make an amber fossil. Collect a few dead insects and bring them along to the library. We’ll choose the most intact specimen and recreate what happens when an insect gets trapped in resin.

Wild Yoga on a Hilltop
Walk up a hill for a 1-hour yoga class in a natural setting with Jo Woolley - for seasoned yogi or beginners.

Wild Night Masquerade Ball at Larnach Castle
Dance on the wild side with nature-themed masks, and costumes at a masquerade ball at Larnach Castle. Live music and auction to support hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins.

Wildlife Photography Tour at the OPERA (Sold Out)
Guided photography tour to select locations throughout the reserve.

BEE Creative at Dunedin School of Art
1pm-2pm & 2pm-3pm
Screen-printing workshops that bring art and science together to celebrate native bees. (For intermediate/high school students).

String Making Workshop (Sold Out)
Learn to make string from locally foraged plant materials with the Coastal Otago Willows and Weavers.

Writing Wild Weather (Sold Out)
Sensory writing from nature. Workshop with Michelle Elvy and David Eggleton focusing on weather. Includes lunch, afternoon tea, and live music.

Mermaid Weaving at Port Chalmers
2 Workshops: 11.30am-1pm & 1.30pm-3pm
Make a mermaid woven from a ti kōuka leaf with artist Lesa Hepburn.

Sci-Comm Student Films Screening
3 x 10-minute videos on endangered birds and their human champions - replayed on a loop from 11am-2pm

Peninsula People, Plants & Pets
A garden lovers bus tour to four diverse gardens from sections to lifestyle.

Peninsula People, Plants & Pets (Sold Out)
A garden lovers bus tour to four diverse gardens from sections to lifestyle.

Weathering Life as an Artist (Free)
Join artists Kerry Mackay and Janet de Wagt as they give a colourful insight at how they respond to our wild world.

Wildlife Photography Tours at the OPERA
Two tours: 12pm-1.30pm & 2pm-3.30pm
Guided photography tours to select locations throughout the reserve .

Sci-Comm Student Films Screening
3 x 10-minute videos on endangered birds and their human champions - replayed on a loop from 11am-2pm

Mermaid Weaving
3 Workshops: 10am-11.30am, 12pm-1.30pm, 2pm-3.30pm.
Make a mermaid woven from a ti kōuka leaf with artist Lesa Hepburn.

BEE Creative Workshop (Sold Out)
Two workshops: 1pm-2pm & 2pm-3pm bringing art and science together to celebrate native bees. For school-aged children.

Sci-Comm Student Films Screening
3 x 10-minute videos on endangered birds and their human champions - replayed on a loop from 11am-2pm

NZ Birds of the Week/Ngā Manu o te Wiki
Award winning author Gillian Torckler reads her picture book on NZ manu in the story pit.

Wild Journey Across the Ocean Waves
10.30am-11am & 1pm-1.30pm
Immersive theatrical gallery experience exploring the impact weather had for those on early sea voyages.

Sci-Comm Student Films: Meet the Filmmakers (Sold Out)
Enjoy three short nature documentaries and hear from the student filmmakers from Otago’s Department of Science Communication.

String Making Workshop (Sold Out)
Learn to make string from locally foraged plant materials with the Coastal Otago Willows and Weavers.

Wild Journey Across the Ocean Waves
Immersive theatrical gallery experience exploring the impact weather had for those on early sea voyages.

Rainwater Papermaking (Sold Out)
10.15am–11.15am & 11.30am–12.30pm (Sold Out)
Create paper using rainwater and wastepaper with artist Lesa Hepburn.

Wildlife Photography Tour at the OPERA (Sold Out)
Guided photography tour to select locations throughout the reserve .
Enviroschools: Kai for the Birds, Bees and Butterflies
Make bird feeders, seed balls, propagating kowhai and more at ART PLAY in NATURE, Chingford Park.

Create a giant tapestry-collage using nature’s materials with artists Janet de Wagt, Pamela Brown and Kerry Mackay. Plus a host of nature events for all ages with guest appearance by Suzy Cato.

BEE Creative
Help to create a floribunda artwork and learn how to support our native solitary bees at ART PLAY in NATURE, Chingford Park.