NZ’s Bird of the Century, the pūteketeke/Australasian crested grebes are certainly unique - but they don’t always have it easy.
The three films chosen for daily screening in the Barclay Theatre tell stories on our rare and endangered birds and their human champions.
Dancing with Grebes
Crowned NZ’s Bird of the Century, pūteketeke /Australasian crested grebes are certainly unique - but they don’t always have it easy. This is the story of how conservationist John Darby’s efforts to help pūteketeke raise their chicks on Lake Wānaka have captured the hearts of an entire community.
Underbirds - The Fight to Save The Southern NZ Dotterel
With less than 167 birds left in the wild, a team of dedicated rangers are on a mission to save the tūturiwhatu / Southern New Zealand dotterel on Rakiura Stewart Island.
A Day at the OPERA - The Hoiho’s Encore
Set up in 1985 as one of the first self-funded ecotourism ventures to protect the vulnerable hoiho / yellow-eyed penguin, Penguin Place is now known as OPERA: the Otago Peninsula Eco Restoration Alliance. How will the new owners help the survival of hoiho in the face of habitat destruction and a warming ocean? e community.
Thank you to the students who have freely offered their films for screening during the Festival: ‘Dancing with Grebes’ a film by Rhys Latton, Leslie Stone, Shania Riethmann; ‘Underbirds’ a film by Brady Clarke, Abi Liddell, Isabella Lewis; ‘A Day at the OPERA’ a film by Cate Davidson, Molly Oldershaw.
Cost: Free | No booking required