Join Alistair Fraser, taoka pūoro researcher and artist for a porotiti making workshop.
1pm – 3pm, Saturday 15 April
In this session Alistair will guide participants through making porotiti, a taoka pūoro; including sanding and threading, and how to play and use porotiti. The porotiti you make will be all yours to take home and cherish!
This workshop is open to ages 8 and over with all materials provided. Children must have guardian supervision and participation.
Dunedin Public Art Gallery classroom
Cost: $10, limited spaces | Booking essential - For ages 8+
BOOK HERE: Making and Playing Porotiti Workshop
Hosted by Dunedin Public Art Gallery: The Dunedin Public Art Gallery is one of New Zealand's four major metropolitan art galleries. Established in 1884, the Gallery was New Zealand’s first art gallery and is renowned today for the richness of its historic collection and its close working relationship with major New Zealand artists.
Image courtesy of the artist